Spring 2019Teaching Plan 1st Grade

Ms.Wu was trained as preschool educator. She has been teaching in Dongfang Chinese School since 2006. With love, patience, and dedication, she takes care of this special class in a very professional manner. Pre-school students are children from 4-6 years old who do not have much classroom experience and often still need their parents for support. Since this age offers the best opportunity to expose children to other languages, this Chinese class is very popular. Mrs. Wu understands the challenges involved and works together with and supports the parents to provide the best experience for the children. Her effort sets the foundations for students who will enjoy learning Chinese.

吴老师是专业幼儿教育出身,有着幼儿教学的丰富经验。她在东方任教幼儿班。有爱心,认真,而且耐心。中文学校的幼儿班有独一无二的特点:幼儿班的孩子年龄小,有的还没有坐上一堂课的习惯。有的孩子害羞,胆小,要家长陪在教室里。而家长们认识到幼儿学语言的特殊性,不愿错过孩子接受另一种语言的最佳时机。所以,她的课堂上,有小小学生,有父母。有会中文的家长,也有不懂中文的家长。 对老师在一个小时时间内,要给孩子们一个兴趣盎然的气氛,给家长们和孩子互动的机会,是一项很有挑战性的工作。吴老师的课上,孩子们欢声笑语。家长笑逐颜开。她为孩子们建立对中文的感觉,建立对学校的亲近,做了启蒙期的努力。她目前在选修更多的有关儿童教育,儿童心理的课目,以期在事业上更进一步。




Ms. Wu Xiaoyin
