Spring 2011 Teaching Plan (2011春季陈老师教学计划

Ms. Chen graduated from Chinese Literature Dept. of Innermongolia Normal University, she has teaching experience in both high schools and colleges. With full scholarship from the East China Institute of Technology in Nanjing, she completed the Master's program in Comparative Literature in Jiangsu Education Institute. Mrs. Chen is one of the founders of Chinese oversea education in the Chicago area and has constantly been involved with administrations of the schools. In her over 30 years of teaching experience in China and US, Mrs. Chen has been awarded various honors, including the Certificate of Merit in Teaching by Nanjing City Department of education, and the title of Excellent Teacher by Chinese associations, such as Chinese School Association in US (CSAUS), Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of China and the State Office for multiple consecutive years, etc. She was among the authors of the overseas Chinese textbook《中文》, which has been widely used in more than 400 Chinese schools in the US and many in Europe as well. Through studying American educational theories and other teaching theories /methods of the Chinese language, she is exploring ways to obtain the best teaching result. She promotes a flexible, lively teaching style, motivates students and also cooperates proactively with parents to make sure students with different backgrounds all benefit the most from the class. Her dedication to overseas Chinese education has won much respect from students, parents and many Chinese school administrators.

陈捷老师毕业于师范大学中文系,在中国曾任教中学和大学,现在西北大学图书馆任职。来美后,从参与希林中文学校的创建工作,担任第一届校务委员和第一任老师到现在。情况在变,教育对象在变,而她那教书育人所倾注的热情和责任心,对教学高质量的追求不变。她不断地探讨最有效的教学法,研究美国的教育理念和各种中文教材及教法,取长补短,众采博长;她推崇教学形式的多样化,激发学生学中文,积极与家长配合,努力让不同背景,不同年龄的学生学而受益,学有所成;她根据美国的实际环境,根据不同的学生自编自改教材、读物和节目;她参与了国务院侨办主持下,由暨南大学主编的海外中文教材《中文》的编写工作,她编写了《拼音通》,总结出一套海外儿童学拼音的速成法。在30 多年中外中文教学的经历中,多次荣获各种奖项,其中包括国内南京市教育局颁发的教学优秀奖; 国务院侨办颁发的历次海外优秀教师奖;全美中文学校协会、芝加哥希林联合中文学校等颁发的优秀教师奖。而最高的奖励是家长对她的信任。

Ms. Chen Jie
