Spring 2022 Teaching Plan 3rd Grade

Ms. Fannie graduated from University of Illinois at Chicago, her major was Master of Business Administration. She loves kids, enjoy to learning Chinese with kids. She is a tutor with four different grades kids in her spare time. Kids love her because she is a good friend for them. She teach 5th grade in DongFang Chinese School.

Fannie 老师毕业于伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校工商管理专业。她有爱心,喜欢孩子,也热爱中文教学,曾经参加过很多中外教育的互动活动。身为孩子母亲的她,对孩子的教育非常感兴趣,也愿意为孩子们付出。她一对一给孩子们辅导中文已经有两年多了,孩子们都非常喜欢她,她也很爱孩子们。Fannie老师希望在东方中文结交更多的孩子们,让他们在快乐中学习中国文化。


Ms. Fannie Lin  林老师